Last Minute Funding
Happy Saturday! I'm drinking a salted caramel oat milk latte at Brew Five Points, and listening to Frankie Cosmos's 2019 album "close it quietly," which is a little more loud and put together than I remember them being with those first couple tender, happy, super simple EP's around 2015. It's always fun revisiting an artist and hearing how they grow! Hope you're all doing great this weekend and growing towards your potential, reaching up your arms towards infinite possibilities, making that sweet sweet steady progress.
Everything I wanted to do last week, got done!
Mainly I picked up some part time work and used that salary to secure funding for the build out revisions. Last minute Funding is really difficult because everything I've done to build the cafe in the last year has made me look like an increasingly dangerous investment. Some of those things include...
Financing a more reliable car meant I no longer fully owned my car, moving to a house with the storage space for all the equipment shortened how long i'd been at my current residence, opening an account to establish business credit meant I had a lot more revolving credit in use, financing an espresso machine to establish a repair contract meant I had JUST taken out a loan, and quitting my job to begin working on this full time meant I had JUST quit my job.
Those are all things that I'm proud of, and they all needed to be done to make the cafe happen! Just goes to show you never know, and it's been a crazy first year of work.
If you're thinking of opening a similar business, my takeaway would be
Do your best to speak with your contractors and city officials about potential changes and costs, remember that every admin action has a fee associated with it, and try not to quit your job until the last possible second, even if you can afford it!
You never know what will come up! There are lots of incremental changes, so think long and hard about everything and overestimate rather than underestimate! Don't be afraid to ask questions at every turn so you have a better understanding of the big picture and what's next! Be proactive with planning for what's next, so that you're ready for every bump on the road.