Leaving my Day-Job and Taking Out a Loan

 Good morning and happy Saturday! Hope you personally had a good holiday and ate a bunch of great food. I was thankful to have a couple of friends-giving events and eat a lot of biscuits, I'm a big fan. Today I'm listening to some audio books, drinking matcha and doing lots of yard work. This is my first year living through fall in a house and I guess I just assumed Florida didn't have leaves. Well anyways haha,

Last week I left my day-job

It was something I'd put a lot of time in to studying, so it's a bit sad knowing I might never work in taxes again. At least I'll get to do my own now for the café, and be more or less familiar with the process. Leaving this week was necessary to get things done on time.

I've been trying to time this all perfectly. Taking out a loan, leaving my job, buying equipment on Black Friday, and beginning construction from there was all part of the plan. Doing it all in one week was incredibly stressful, but I'll know soon how well the plan worked. 

The last thing I'm waiting on now is a final construction quote. I had an estimate but it was time to get serious and choose our contractor. 

Ideally this quote is near the original estimate for the project, if it's exponentially higher we'll have to re-negotiate and push things back. I'll be doing the flooring and demolition myself along with a few other small touch ups to lower the cost. Legally I can't do as much as I'd like, but it is what it is.

At the very least, buying everything on Black Friday was a good move

This took me all day; Making accounts on every website, writing down codes and passwords, keeping track of my carts and updating my 200 item excel. Occasionally something would sell out or be cheaper somewhere else. 

I finished at like 2am this morning, but for the most part I was able to reduce my costs well below the additional charges on shipping and taxes. I would recommend to anyone considering this tactic, to make accounts and prepare a list for each site a day in advance. 

From here it's GO TIME

I've got to order everything else, store it and label it all in my garage as it comes in, and begin demolition on the building. I guess once it's time to move the equipment in I'll just rent a U-Haul. If only I could tell my past self to buy a truck instead of a hatchback. Between work I'll probably just do some Uber-eats driving to supplement my savings or unexpected café costs, and familiarize myself with Mandarin a little more too. 

Thanks for reading! I hope to have good news for the blog next week!

Peace! - Elias 


Demolition Complete!


Excel-Hxll, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Google Cloud