Doing Inventory of all the Ordering
Hey! What's up! Early Merry Christmas, late Happy Hannukah, very early happy Kwanzaa. I'm drinking water, I just took a shower, I'm listening to the psych rock album "butterfly 3000" and keeping my head down. Jumped away to write a blog, as I'm finally done with doing shop inventory! So I wanna talk about that and our city situation real quick.
So we got our permits back from the city this week!
But, we're not done. They're now asking we resubmit with some corrections. I've been following the notes online as they're added, and had our architect make changes based on the fire marshal corrections. The rest of what we need is basically a contractor scope of work outline. So I'm hoping our contractors can get this resubmitted without issue, I probably won't know for sure until early next week what's next.
So I took inventory of all the boxes from the last month of ordering.
They have almost completely filled my garage so now's a good time; To do this I took my cost excel I was using for the entire café and stripped it down to just things I'd ordered or would be ordering. It was mostly a matter of opening every box, confirming the contents, marking them off on my excel sheet then on the printed receipts taped to those boxes, and repacking them. I'd mark the top of the box with a sharpie so it'd be easier to find next time. I've attached what that looked like at the bottom of the page here, it's not perfect but it worked for today. This was something that needed to happen and did help me find a couple returns I'd need to make.
I did quickly run out of tape trying to reseal everything, if I could even repackage it perfectly. In some cases packages were air tight and a pain to pull apart then tape together again, in others they were packed with peanuts (who uses those anymore!) or just full of empty lopsided space and had to be massively consolidated. I got a whole box I didn't order of Gatorade caps! I got a box of cups that were the wrong size and finished! Time to get back on my computer and return, reorder, keep moving.
The good news is, I have basically everything for the cafe in my garage.
6 months ago I didn't even have a garage. I'm glad this all happened the way it did.
I'm stoked to get in there, lay floors and put the space together. We have a few more weeks of city permitting construction and that'll be it. It's gonna be great to pull shots on bar again! thanks for reading, have an awesome holiday, I may not have time to post next Saturday but if something big happens before then I'll put something up!
- Elias